So I'm actually 30 weeks 3 days as of today, but close enough to 31 weeks. I had my regular appt with Dr. S today and for the most part it was uneventful.
BP: 100/60 - still great
No protein in urine
Heart rate: The baby was super active and initially it was in the 140s then would spike to the 160s while doing some sore of gymnastics move
Measurement: I'm measuring in at 28 weeks, so still small. She was going to order another ultrasound, but I then reminded her that I just had one a little over 2 weeks ago. We came to the conclusion that if it continues to happen we will get one next time. She thinks I just have a long torso and the baby is hiding very well.
Weight gain: I'm up 14 lbs
(Might be a little too much so skip if need be)
Symptoms: I thought I lost my mucus plug yesterday. It wasn't as drastic as it was with Henry, and it wasn't blood tinged so I was questioning it. I mentioned it to the doc so she checked my cervix and it's still closed - thankfully!! I've been having some mild cramping along with some BH contractions. I've also been having quite a bit of pressure down yonder - especially the days I run longer than normal.
Exercise: That leads us into this topic. Running is getting a lot harder for me this time around. I ran strong until 36 weeks last time, but now I'm only able to run 2 miles at a time and then walk some. I guess it's better than nothing.
Cravings: Nada except the need to drink water continuously which then causes me to have to use the restroom frequently
Aversions: I continue to have a hard time eating meat and I'm experiencing a lot of nausea lately - I think it's due to the baby's position
Sleep: I have some good nights, however lately I've been waking at 3ish and then continue to wake every 1/2 hour - frustrating!
This past weekend we went to the Poconos - the PA 'mountains.' They aren't really mountains, but exaggerated hills. We are looking to sell our beach house and possibly look into a 'mountain' house that could be used year round with a lake and skiing. They had a promotion to come look at property - so we took advantage of it and got away for the weekend. My parents came to our house to watch the lil guy on Saturday morning and we came home early Sunday afternoon. It's only a 2 hour drive away - so it's pretty convenient. We stopped at the outlets on the way up to grab some baby necessities at the Carter outlet and did some other Christmas shopping. Other than that we just enjoyed our relaxing afternoon/evening together. We were in bed by 9:30pm, but hey why not?!?
We took a couple of photos from our outdoor patio:

(Side View of Baby C #2)
(Front View of Baby C #2)
Now it's time to get back to getting the house ready for our 2nd Annual Turkey Day festivities. Enjoy the holiday :)
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