Better late than never...
Henry's first 'real' Halloween/trick or treating went pretty well. I mean last year we snuggled on the couch while daddy handed out candy - this year we actually made it out of the house. We didn't make it too far, but since trick or treating started at 6 pm (Henry's wind down period), I'd say it went better than expected!

(The hardest part of the night - getting this kiddo dressed)

(Our little lion...with his vacuum)
We made it to a whole 7 houses in our development, but we mostly talked with neighbors while Henry invited himself into each house to explore. One of our neighbors has a 4 year old son, and we're actually due with baby #2 within 4 weeks of each other. She was very thoughtful and made Henry a bucket full of baby treats that he could actually enjoy and a stuffed animal!
Henry was infatuated with Luke's costume - an astronaut! We played at their house for a while and then hit a few more houses before we got home.
Luke then made his way to our house and Henry proceeded to put the rest of our candy into Luke's bucket, one by one. Luke was loving the idea and so were we! One less piece of candy here for us to eat!
So cute!! He made an adorable little lion : ) Lauren did the same thing at the few houses we trick or treated at -- she just decided to crawl in and help herself. Luckily we only trick or treated at friends houses : )