It's been awhile since I've posted...sorry. We've been quite busy here at the Charlton Household, the little guy is surely keeping me busy! He's such a fast crawler, I can't even turn my back and he's out of site! He's also pulling up on everything, so I have to follow him around everywhere just so he doesn't fall and hurt himself! Our kitchen floor is not a very forgiving floor, being that it's made of stone, so it scares me to death when he's in there!
Also, daddy was home ALL last week which is a very rare occasion, so we soaked up every minute of it! Yes, he was still in his office working from home, but he's usually gone 3-4 days a week, so we really enjoyed spending our evenings together! It was also gorgeous outside, so we enjoyed a cocktail out on the deck each night! Wednesday Henry's boss came to our house for dinner which was a treat! We cooked him dinner and just enjoyed the company.
This past weekend we traveled to Baltimore to attend Mr. Cullen's baptism! He's the son of one of Henry's best friends from elementary school. Let's just say it was a long day and Henry slept SO well last night!
Ok back to my original plan for this post - Easter Weekend!
We are blessed to have both set of parents so close to each other, they literally live a mile away from one another which makes it great for holiday weekends, or any time we go home! We went home Holy Friday afternoon and were able to see my mom and Henry's parents. We typically stay at Henry's parents since my mom and dad are remodeling their house. It's very convenient since Henry's sister has 10 children, his parents have all the necessities for a baby,
making it easy to travel there. We were both exhausted from our week, so I think we were in bed by 9 or 9:30pm Friday night. The little guy was very generous and slept until almost 7:30am, giving us a great nights sleep!
Saturday we lounged around for the morning and just enjoyed our time together. Henry's brother Thomas and wife Asia arrived in the afternoon and my parents came over for a nice dinner. That was pretty much the extent of our evening!!
Sunday was a big day. We went to Easter Mass with the family, including all of Henry's sisters kiddos! We were very fortunate to have amazing weather, which helps by allowing the kids to play outside and us adults to enjoy our time together. It truly was a great Easter, with great family, friends and food!
My parents

Henry enjoying Asia's dog (and yes his pants were falling off ;))
Henry's side of the family

The cousins (Mary's 10 and Henry)

My family

Alison and I (baby Adrianna is Henry's girlfriend!!)
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