A few things: 1) Tomorrow marks the end our daddy's 7 day meeting in Paris, so I've been solo parenting since last Saturday morning. 2) We leave for Switzerland the evening of September 17th, that's a mere 18 days away....gah! 3) With moving, I've been super busy packing up the house - with a 7 month old and a 2 year old I have to say it's quite difficult. The neighbor girl has been helping me from 3-6 after she gets out of school and Tues-Thurs Henry's in school from 8-12. 4) The boys both have had dr. appts... of course on different days. That's just a few of the things that have been keeping me busy!
So on to Thomas - He turned 6 months July 25th, however I couldn't get him into our favorite Ped until August 11th (and I scheduled at his 2 month appt). He's a growing boy weighing in at 16 lbs 8 oz and measuring at 26 1/2 inches long. He's the best baby really - only cries when he's tired or hungry and will play in the pack n play or exersaucer while I pack without a peep! He's been up on all fours for awhile now and will (at 7 months) go forward a few steps and go backwards all throughout the living room.
He still wakes once a night to feed, which I don't mind at all. During the day his feedings sometimes get interrupted by his big brother and he doesn't want to miss a thing. He feeds every 3-4 hours during the day and eats cereal in the morning and around 4:30pm - he loves his cereal!
Henry turned 2 on August 16th - the day we came home from Switzerland. His 2 year appointment was August 21st and he too is a growing machine. He currently weighs 25 lbs 1 oz and is measuring in at 33 1/4 inches tall. He's hit so many milestones lately, I can hardly believe it myself.
The greatest thing about his 2 year old birthday was making his carseat forward facing...and of course the ice cream! We took him for ice cream that evening at his favorite place and he just laughed and giggled the entire way there! He now tells me where to go when I'm taking him to school - mommy turn, mommy stop here...
He's talking in complete sentences and his vocabulary is out of this world. The other morning it was raining outside and clear as day he said/sang "Rain, rain go away, come back another day!" While we were gone my dad taught him "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" so each night he says that. That's just to name a few!
He's still a great sleeper: 7:15ish -6/7am and still in his crib. He still wears his sleep sack and LOVES it, asking for it each night. I figured that in 18 days we're going to turn both their world and their routines upside down so we'll make the big adjustments then also (big boy bed and potty training.)
Henry does go potty on the toilet, but with an 8 hour flight ahead of us, I believe it's best to just wait until we're settled over in Switzerland.
We are taking a 6:15pm flight arriving in Switzerland at 8am, please pray that the boys sleep a little bit! They both have their own seat and with the 6 hour time difference I can only imagine that it's going to take some time to settle in.
Stay tuned for more updates, but for fun, here are a few photos!
Brotherly love |
Playing at Mama Charlton's |
This boy loves his trucks |
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So happy |
Our new home town |
Port de Pully - Great dinner in our new home town |
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Starting of his birthday celebration with some Swiss chocolate (Papa had some too!!) |
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Mommy and daddy bought me a wooden train set made in Swiss |
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Loving my new training pants |